Residential Segregation and Unequal Access to Local Public Services in India: Evidence from 1.5m Neighborhoods

Sam Asher ⓡ, Kritarth Jha ⓡ, Paul Novosad ⓡ, Anjali Adukia ⓡ, and Brandon Tan ⓡ

June 2023

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Online Appendix

This page displays additional graphs from the paper "Residential Segregation and Unequal Access to Local Public Services in India: Evidence from 1.5m Neighborhoods." Due to space constraints, we could not include every permutation of every analysis in the paper. This page shows additional results that did not make it into the paper, for every social group, public or private service, indicator and location.

Segregation of Muslim and Scheduled Caste communities

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This figure shows the distribution of segregation across rural Indian subdistricts, using the dissimilarity index. Dissimilarity is calculated across neighorhoods within each subdistrict. The SC/Muslim density functions are weighted by each subdistrict’s SC/Muslim population, such that each curve represents the experience of marginalized group members.

Access to public/private social services in marginalized neighborhoods

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This figure shows binscatter plots of the percentage of neighborhoods that have public primary schools at a given level of SC share in rural neighborhoods. The data on public facilities comes from the Economic Census 2013, and the data on shares from the Socio-Economic Caste Census.

Access to infrastructure services in marginalized neighborhoods

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This figure shows binscatter plots of the percentage of households in a neighborhood that have a water source at home at a given level of SC share in urban neighborhoods. The data on public facilities comes from the Economic Census 2013, and the data on shares from the Socio-Economic Caste Census.

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